Sunday, 17 January 2016

Whats app emoticon problem

What's app s new bug is evolved and this was found by a security agent .that is if u send a message or emotion message of around 50000 words to your friend or to any group ,that will crash your friends WhatsApp if he try to open the message.
This problem can be achieved by clearing the chat of friends who send that message but if you send that message to a group that don't have clear chat option so,this can also be solved by clearing all chat history of groups and friends .it is so painful to us .so we have to wait for a new update of whats app. alternatively we can use a new open source messenger app telegram that has no problem of any heavy messages .

You can watch my you tube video to know practically about this .

Here is the link :

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

New and worthy technologies

Water computer :

Computer that runs with water manu prakash and his students at Stanford university .

Manuprakash is an IIT Kanpur student before going to Stanford ..he is a professor in Stanford now .for the more details about his water computer visit the link below